Children’s Psychological Health Counseling Clinic
Children and adolescents are the future of our nation and hope of our family. With the rapid development of society, children and adolescents mental health issues have been widely concerned. Children’s psychological Health Counseling Clinic at Qingdao United Family Hospital is dedicated to providing you with the necessary tools to improve the quality of life and help with children and adolescents struggling with psychological well-being issues. Our licensed professionals have a broad range of specialties and are highly-trained.
We provide consultation, assessment, and treatment to children and teenagers in field of mental behavioral and development delay, ADHD, ASD, learning difficulty, language difficulty, emotional disorders, eating disorders, social communication difficulty, maladaptation and other mental behavioral problems.
Comprehensive assessments of children and adolescents mental behavioral and development are also provided at Children’s Psychological Health Counseling Clinic, including competency assessment ( such as Intelligence test, attention test, learning ability, SSB, social adaptation), behavior assessment, personality assessment and emotional problems assessment etc. Our experienced experts will provide comprehensive interventions and treatments for children and adolescents struggling with psychological health issues, family or parents guidance on early development of children’s mental development, supportive counseling, behavior modification and sandplay counseling etc. to improve children’s psychological health.
Clinic hours: Thursday afternoon
24hr Service Center : 4008-919191
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