The Department of Anesthesiology at Qingdao United Family Hospital offers the full range of anesthesiology services to help all patients manage their pain, providing regional or general anesthesia, nerve block and sedation for therapeutic, diagnostic and surgical procedures. Our goal is to monitor the physical and emotional conditions of each of our patients.
Anesthesiology Services
Anesthesiology services include the following:
- Surgeries and operations, including general or regional anesthesia, sedation, and nerve blocks. Anesthesiology supports multiple departments in our hospital whenever pain management is needed for medical procedures.
- Post-operation pain management, self-controlled pain management, such as PCA pump.
- Pregnancy and obstetrics-related pain management, such as epidural with or without PCA pump.
- Sedation for endoscopy, including EGD, colonoscopy, ERCP, EUS, ESD, and more.
- Sedation for outpatient dental treatments.
- Sedation for bronchoscopy.
- Sedation for CT or MRI scans for children or patients with mild to severe claustrophobia.
- Acute onset pain management for chronic pain, such as chronic pancreatic pain and cancer pain.
- Pre-operation anesthesia counseling if needed.
- Hospital-wide anesthesia, surgery, and pain consultation.
- Spinal puncture for Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) drainage if needed.
- Central venous line build-up outside of the operating room.
(中文) 麻醉咨询门诊服务
- 分娩镇痛咨询
- 术前的麻醉评估
- 术后恢复及止痛问题
- 转入加护病房(ICU)或在门诊完成手术的相关问题
- 如果您有以下非和睦家医疗系统的:病历,化验检查结果,心脏检查结果:心电图和心功能测试结果,正在服用的药物:维生素、阿司匹林、中草药,包括剂量和服用频次,医生曾给你的任何纸质信息等。
- 列举好要问麻醉医生或护士的任何问题,如果您不确定要不要带某些特定的文件或结果,可以都带上。
- 麻醉门诊可以带家人或朋友一起,这样他们也能帮你记好注意事项。
进行一个简单的检查 -
麻醉医生和您一起讨论病史,根据化验检查来决定是否需要额外的检查或门诊。如果需要,麻醉门诊会帮您预约当天的其他门诊或检查。 -
麻醉医生会和您讨论采用不同麻醉方法的可能性。比如,全麻、半身麻、神经阻滞,或者联合两种麻醉方式。我们鼓励您咨询所有有关不同麻醉方法的问题。 -
麻醉医生会与您讨论手术当天会发生什么,包括麻醉后会发生什么,醒来后会发生什么,如果疼痛会怎么处理等等。 -
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