Our Dermatology service is committed to skin care that goes beneath the surface. In a caring, comfortable and confidential environment, our professionals diagnose and treat diseases of the skin, hair, and nails. Our staff consists of experienced professionals who have international training and can offer professional care.
We also offer skin disease prevention and cosmetic therapies. Our services include checking your skin and moles regularly to screen for skin cancer, teaching you to keep your skin healthy and vital, and providing a wide range of cosmetic and laser treatments that renew and maintain youthful-looking skin.
To ensure excellent results, the most advanced technologies and up-to-date facilities and machinery are at our disposal. We are dedicated to patient-centered care, using the highest international quality standards for patients of every age and skin type.
Aesthetic Laser Center
Qingdao United Family Hospital’s Aesthetic Laser Center in the Department of Dermatology stringently follows scientifically proven methodologies to diagnose, treat, and professionally rejuvenate your skin through some of the most sophisticated laser techniques in the world. Our Center’s safe, reliable practices utilize advanced laser technology, intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments, and radio frequency skin tightening, among other pioneering methods, to make you look your best. We can repair skin in private areas, treat facial aging, and help you achieve the true beauty you seek through comprehensive assessments and solutions.
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