Urgent Care
Staffed by experienced Emergency-trained physicians and nurses, our Department of Urgent Care can treat patients of all ages. We have the capability and experience to care for many emergency situations, from evaluating fever in children to accidents and illnesses in adults.
Our capable staff is ready to serve you in either English or Chinese.
QDU is equipped with a Laboratory to quickly and accurately deliver test results, a Blood Bank that supplies blood for transfusions, a Pharmacy, and on-site Radiology and Imaging services.
Department of Urgent Care hours:24H
Our Clinicians
Urgent Care Services
Department of Urgent Care hours:
Work days: 12:00-20:00
Weekends and national holidays: 8:00-20:00
Additional Services
On-site emergency service
Qingdao United Family Hospital and Clinics offers a wide variety of outside medical assistance for your organization’s VIP visits, high-profile conferences, and events. We can help you create a safer environment for your special events or trips.
Service examples:
- Ambulance escorts
- Emergency physician on-site staffing
- Remote area travel medical staffing
If you are an Events Manager, and would like to understand what we can provide to create a safe environment for the medical needs of your next conference, VIP visit, or high-profile event, please contact us. We will provide you with a proper consultation from a medical perspective with recommendations to suit your needs. Discounts are available for events booked in advance! For more information please contact our Marketing Department.
First aid training
A good outcome in cardiac and other severe emergencies requires good first aid care by bystanders. For this reason, Qingdao United Family Hospital and Clinics offers comprehensive first aid training and CPR/Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training for individuals and organizations in Qingdao. We offer training for personal employees such as your ayi or driver, as well as training programs for staff. Courses can be tailored to suit your organization’s needs. We also organize ACLS courses for medical professionals.
For more information please call (010) 5927 7130 or e-mail: ahaitc@ufh.com.cn
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