Internal Medicine
When patients require the care of an Internal Medicine specialist, their condition is usually fairly complex. We encourage family involvement as an important part of the healing process and have extended visitation hours.
Our Department of Internal Medicine is a one-stop healthcare service that combines the science of medicine (evidence-based medicine) with the art of medicine (patient-centered focus). We seek to cure and monitor your condition but also to alleviate anxiety. We believe in biological, social and emotional healing. Therefore, we employ a multisystem approach that makes full use of the teamwork between our medical care team and our emotional support team.
The Department of Internal Medicine at Qingdao United Family Hospital comprises gastroenterology, cardiology, respiratory medicine, oncology, nephrology, endocrinology, neurology, rheumatology, hepatology. Qualified specialists, together with experienced nursing teams and pain management services—provide comprehensive care to our patients. We are committed to providing compassionate, professional care and treatment.
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