The on-site Laboratory at Qingdao United Family Hospital is equipped with up-to-date instrumentation and advanced equipment in a clean environment. We can carry out all routine tests on hematology, immunology, chemistry, and microbiology analysis, and have your results in a short amount of time.
Our laboratory provides its services 24 hours a day in both English and Mandarin. All members of our staff are professionals who have years of experience working in clinical laboratories. We are committed to providing high quality testing.
In our laboratory, we conduct tests and handle samples according to national standards and adhere to strict quality control standards to ensure that our results are consistent. We also maintain contacts with national laboratories in China, the United States, and Hong Kong to provide our patients with more comprehensive service, including genetic testing and the diagnosis of rare disease. We also have a Blood Bank where fresh blood is stored for urgent requirements. All donor blood we store is screened for infectious diseases according to international standards to ensure safety.
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