The on-site Pharmacy at Qingdao United Family Hospital carries an extensive inventory of both imported and joint-venture medications. It offers prescription medications as well as a selection of over-the-counter (OTC) medications.
Our pharmacists are trained according to international standards and provide patients with essential medication information and counseling. Safe and proper medication use is our primary concern.
We use computerized prescription processing system, which allows us to maintain patient medication histories and to check for drug allergies and interactions. In addition, we focus on the quality of our medications by using the best available brands and ordering from only the most trustworthy suppliers.
Additional pharmacy services include delivery, mailing, and sourcing medications so that we can fulfill our patients’ specific medication needs.
Our Clinicians
Filling Prescriptions
To fill your prescriptions, we use only the best available brands and order from the most trustworthy suppliers. Our Prescription Processing computer system helps us to check for drug allergies and interactions. We are also available to answer questions you may have about your prescription.
Our pharmacists run the pharmacy according to strict international standards and provide all patients with essential drug information and counseling. We are committed to ensuring medication safety and improving patient care.
We employ the Prescription Processing computer system which allows us to maintain patient medication profiles and check for drug allergies and interactions. In addition, we focus greatly on the quality of our medication by using the best available brands and ordering from the most trustworthy suppliers.
Our on-site pharmacy also offers visitors to the hospital a variety of popular joint venture and imported over-the-counter medications for common ailments. Our pharmacists are always available to help you with your questions and selecting the best, safest treatment choices.
Medication Counseling
Counseling patients on how to take their medicine is one of the most important parts of our jobs in the pharmacy. Our pharmacists can offer you a thorough explanation on what to expect from your medicine, how to use medical devices like an inhaler and, together with your physician, answer any questions you have about your treatment.
Striving to be environmental friendly by going paperless, most of the information we provide is given orally, face-to-face. All of the medicines we dispense have a label with instructions from your doctor and additional printed materials are always available at your request.
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