The Department of Radiology and Imaging at Qingdao United Family Hospital provides a complete range of diagnostic imaging services, including X-ray, CT, MRI and ultrasound. Our radiologists and ultrasound specialists are well-trained with years of experience, and able to serve patients of all ages. We are equipped with state-of-the-art imaging systems, including Siemens Somatom Definition CT, GE 1.5T MRI, GE DR, and mobile DR system. Our ultrasound section is equipped with Philips ultrasound systems, which are able to provide the full spectrum of ultrasound exams, including abdomen, OB/GYN, cardiovascular, small parts, musculoskeletal, and superficial soft tissue studies.
Our goal is to offer patients a safe and pleasant imaging experience in a caring environment, all while providing valuable imaging information for your medical care.
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