Xiaoqian Zhang
Family Medicine , sport medicine
Dr. Zhang received her medical degree in 2010 from Katholiek Universiteit Leuven in Belgium. She later specialized in Sports Medicine at KULeuven from 2012 to 2013. Dr. Zhang completed her residency in 2012 at Medische Kabinet Meersman in Brussels, where she rotated through inpatient and outpatient wards and developed expertise in managing conditions ranging from newborn infants to elderly patients.
Before joining Qingdao United Family Hospital, Dr. Zhang served in the Clinic De Lieming in Leuven as an expert in gynecology, pediatric, geriatrics, and sport medicine.
Dr. Zhang has over 10 years of clinical experience. In addition to specializing in the treatment and diagnosis of family medicine, she also worked as the police doctor in zone Leuven. In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Zhang is one of the co-auteur of the book Urgenties in huisartsgeneeskunde Emergencies in Family Medicine.
Dr. Zhang is licensed by the Belgian RIZIV institution and is a member of Khobra night shift section.
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