Qingdao United Family Hospital
Located in the scenic Shilaoren Community of Laoshan District, just 30 minutes from the heart of downtown, Qingdao United Family Hospital (QDU) offers our patients not only premium healthcare but also a beautiful environment in which to heal.
Our hospital delivers comprehensive international-standard healthcare including Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Postpartum Rehabilitation, Medical Cosmetic Center, Eye Clinic, and ENT services, as well as other specialties. Qingdao United Family Hospital is staffed by an international team of physicians who serve the city’s multinational patients with experience, compassion, and dedication.
Our mission is to provide high-quality medical and healthcare services to the expatriate and Chinese populations throughout Qingdao and Shandong province. Qingdao United Family Hospital combines United Family Healthcare’s unique service model of international healthcare management with advanced medical equipment and technology to promote the development of the Chinese medical industry. We also conduct academic exchanges focusing on international standards for diagnosis, treatment, and management, to lay the foundation for international cooperation in healthcare.
Address & Map
Qingdao United Family Hospital
Shilaoren Community, 319 Hong Kong East Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao
24hr Service Center : 4008-919191
Our Clinicians

(中文) 张敏

(中文) 魏立

John Sung

(中文) 许琳

(中文) 王宴平

Bingxin Li
Internal medicine physician

Guifang KUANG
Chief Physician, Psychiatrist, Psychotherapist

Dr. Jia Weili
Medical Oncologist

Dr. Wang Xiaoguang

Haiqing Wang
Radiation oncologist, associate chief physician

Li Li

Medical Oncologist

(中文) 赵佳莹
Radiation oncologist

Xiuying WANG
Chair of Pediatrics

Ping FU

Xinhong Xiu
Obstetrician & Gynecologist

Peiqing Wang
Obstetrician & Gynecologist

Yan Guan
Obstetrician & Gynecologist

Guiying Sun
Obstetrician & Gynecologist

Weifang WU
Obstetrician & Gynecologist

Haiyan Ma

Shuo Zhang

Sun Ruixia

(中文) 刘维琴

Shanon Li
Chief Dentist

(中文) 孙樱

Yan Liang
Internal Medicine Physician

Hualin LIU
Pediatrician, Postgraduate Tutor, Hemotologist, Rheumatologist

Ying Wang
Pediatrician, Associate Chief Physician

Xue Yang

Xiaohua Sun

Wenbo Gao
Pediatrician Attending Physician

(中文) 李杨

Chuanmin Yang
Professor of Pediatrics, Chief Pediatric Surgeon

Dr. Zhang Hong
Pediatric Surgeon

Gaoxiang ZHANG

Chair of Anesthesiology, Anesthesiologist

Ying Zhao

Xiaoqian Zhang
Family Medicine , sport medicine

Hongyan Zhang
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